
Rectal injury during laparoscopic mesh removal after sacrocervicopexy

Ohad Gluck , Ehud Grinstein , Mija Blaganje , Nikolaus Veit-Rubin , Bruno Deval

PMID: 31792594 DOI: 10.1007/s00192-019-04168-5


In this video we present a case of rectal injury, which occurred during laparoscopic mesh removal following sacrocervicopexy. Four years after sub-total hysterectomy with laparoscopic sacrocervicopexy, a 64-year-old patient still suffered from intense proctalgia and pain while sitting. On physical examination, intense pain could be triggered by palpating the left aspect of the levator ani muscle, raising the suspicion of an association with the mesh and leading to the decision for its removal. The left posterior arm of the mesh was removed completely laparoscopically. During this procedure, a rectal lesion was diagnosed and immediately repaired by a double layer of interrupted sutures. There was an immediate and complete resolution of the symptoms after surgery, with no short-term prolapse recurrence or postoperative complications. Laparoscopy appears to be an efficient approach to mesh excision. A high level of alertness to recognize intraoperative injuries is warranted.





Keywords: Complications; Laparoscopy; Mesh removal; Sacrocervicopexy.





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